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    60% of SMEs victims of a cyber attack close after 6 months

    Por Camel Secure

    The chances that a small and medium-sized business will continue operating after being the victim of a cyberattack are 40% according to research by the National Cyber ​​Security Alliance. The investigation concluded that 60% of SMEs must close after 6 months of unsuccessful efforts to continue operating.

    The figure shows how vulnerable smaller companies are to withstanding the losses that generate a breach in their cybersecurity. Lack of preparation and a shortage of professionals with the right cybersecurity skills and tools prevent organizations from recovering after an incident.

    But the biggest challenge for companies is the poor understanding of the danger posed by a cyberattack. Most companies do not see that a successful cyber attack could mean the paralysis of critical activities, such as payment to suppliers and workers, the distribution of a product or service, or the loss of customer information.

    For larger companies, surviving an incident is affordable at a high cost and after several months of investment in their cybersecurity, a period in which they also lose customers and see their image damaged. But in the case of SMEs, the cost can be fatal and cause a permanent closure.

    To protect a company, it is necessary to have trained professionals, but also tools that allow us to address and understand the problem of cybersecurity from a business point of view. This is the main contribution of Camel Secure technologies, which allow a security management focused on the critical areas of a company, making visible the most urgent problems, defining an automatic risk according to business criteria and making cybersecurity information understandable for everyone. Camel Secure represents a highly profitable management and technology investment over time.

    At Camel Secure we manage the cyber risk of your business.

    Tags: Camel Secure, Malware, DataSecurity, Data Protection, Data Security, Cybersecurity, Cyber Managemente, Cyber Attack

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